“The Montauk Monster” shocked internet users

“The Montauk Monster” shocked internet users

To pies? Tortoise without a shell? Failed experiment? Or maybe just a marketing campaign? “The Montauk Monster” these are the words, which thousands of Americans are now frantically typing into internet browsers. All for this, to find out more about a mysterious creature reportedly found on a beach in Montauk, Long Island. Pictures “the monster” was the first to be published by an American blogger, which I immediately stressed, that the discovery was made near Plum Island Animal Research Facilities, an Animal Disease Research Center. Following the voice of reason, many Internet users found it, That “monster” it's just an invention of a graphic designer who knows how to use Photoshop, hired for the marketing campaign of the new cartoon series on Cartoon Network. The TV station, however, strongly denied these rumors. So the pursuit of truth continues…