Cat fights

Cat fights

Territory disputes are natural and instinctive. However, fights can lead to this, that cats will hurt each other, so you have to intervene, to prevent conflicts, before things escalate. This is the case, when your cat is fighting a cat that is at home, or with the cat next door.

To stop cats from fighting for territory, intervene, by clapping or breaking the line of sight between cats. Then discourage future quarrels, keeping two cats separate at all times, by socializing one or both cats or by spraying or castrating them, to be less hormonal.

Cats are more dominant and aggressive, when their hormones are elevated. So rinsing or sterilizing your cat should reduce the number of fights it starts. Also, poor socialization leads to hostility, so slowly introducing your cat to others, also this, who don't get along, could be beneficial.

Are cats fighting for territory?

In the wild, cats often spend time alone outside their feral colony, marking out their hiking paths. These places are marked with a scent, to warn other cats and occupy the area. The cat will start fighting with others, who are entering this area.

Of course, cats aren't strictly territorial, if they have been bred with other cats in your home. Here, indoor territorial lines change frequently, depending on this, which cat needs space at this time.

This is often referred to as posing instead of brawls, in which the cat warns the other, that the fight is not worth the trouble. Ten, which cat will retreat first, is a loser.

It becomes more problematic outdoors or with cats, they don't know. Like, in question, it will recognize your home, backyard or other areas behind its territory, so he will start a fight, to protect him from the strangers, which is not socialized acceptable.

Often one cat goes to another cat's territory on purpose, to challenge him, especially if there is a shortage of food in his homeland. Therefore, territorial battles are instinctive. This does not mean, however, that territorial battles should take place at home or in the neighborhood.

Why do cats fight outside?

Cats are fighting outside, to:
Protect your home territory from other cats.
Scare off another cat and capture its territory.

There are reasons, for which hostile relationships develop between the cats in the neighborhood, such as:

Cats, who have not been spayed or neutered, are known as intact cats. These cats will have hormones raging in their bodies, making them territorial and aggressive. It is more likely, that they will cut down hard territories and defend them, especially in front of other cats in the neighborhood.

No socialization
Cats are taught, how to interact and resolve disputes with other cats at an early age. If the cat has been taken from its mother too early or has never come into contact with other cats, may be poorly socialized.

Such cats can treat any confrontation with another cat as a threat to its territory and person. This leads to more fights, especially these, which escalate into a physical conflict.

Uncertainty and Defense.
Your cat may be insecure and overly defensive. Which is why, when she meets the other cats outside, the only salvation is to defend your territory.

He will engage in combat, to ensure your safety, even if it has never been challenged or threatened.

Personality clash.
Cats get into fights more often, when they experience a personality clash. In the case of territorial combat, this usually manifests itself, when both cats are equally insecure, defensive and aggressive.

Both will quickly challenge the other. As the attitude persists, neither of them will back down, and the fight will turn into a physical retreat.

Connection with previous bad experience.
Your cat may get into more fights than usual, if he has had a traumatic experience with a cat or a human in the past.

Earlier mental and physical trauma will do, that he would be more insecure and defensive, so he will be motivated to protect his space with more ferocity, attacking other cats.

Do cats fight to death?
Cats are unlikely to be in a life-and-death fight while questioning territory.

They have a unique hierarchical system, and most of the fights are about establishing dominance rather than physically hurting the other cat. Therefore, fights usually involve vocalizations and posing, to scare the other cat, to accept his subordinate position.

Your cat will screech loudly during the fight, whine, inflate the fur and bend the back. This is to establish a dominant cat.

If the other cat is scared or intimidated, he can back off and walk away. If the other cat refuses to go out, both of them will continue to pose, until your cat retreats or the two start fighting.

The fights are extremely short and fierce, and both cats break off at random intervals, depending on the course of the fight. Neither of them wants to kill the other, but instead encourages one to surrender. When the cat decides, that he is losing or has had enough, disconnects, takes an attitude and walks away.

This process is for domesticated and feral cats, and neither will fight to death or kill another cat during a territorial battle.

Are sterilized cats territorial?

Spayed cats are less agitated and restless. Therefore, they are less territorially aggressive than intact females. Having said that, spayed kitties can still be territorial.

The female may have certain areas, which he prefers to keep. May be poorly socialized and perceive other cats as threatening. If another cat is constantly bullying your sterilized kitten, this may make it territorial. This is less likely, when the environment is predictable and there are fewer territorial threats.

She will express it with a scent that signifies her territory, to warn enemies. However, because it was sprayed, still less likely, that he will express it through physical aggression.

How To Keep My Cat From Fighting My Neighbor's Cat?
Although they are inevitable, territorial fights between cats should not be accepted. They may not result in death, but they can sometimes cause serious injury.

If these territorial fights have become a regular exchange between your cat and your neighbor's cat, you must intervene, by following the steps below:

Sterilization or castration.
Cats, who have not been sterilized or neutered, they are driven by hormones, so they are much more territorial and hostile. According to the North American Veterinary Clinic , sterilization and sterilization can significantly reduce territorial aggression in cats.

This is because, that an uncastrated male will have a higher testosterone level than a neutered one. Therefore, he will use his masculinity more often.

Similarly, an unsterilized female will be more restless and restless than a sterilized female. Although territorial battles are more common in males, females will also be calmer and less prone to agitation when mended.

Direct intervention.
You can intervene directly, to stop the dispute. If you do it often enough, you will disturb the cat's aggression, thus minimizing the problem.

Then cats are unlikely to solve their problems through physical combat. Most of the time, their loud vocalizations and attitudes are nothing but a bluff, which is designed to scare the other cat, to withdraw.

If you see territorial aggression, stop the fight, by following the steps below:

Loud clapping.
Standing in the way of the line of sight of two cats.
Putting a blanket on the cat during a fight, to distract him and stop the fight.
To avoid scratches and bites, never interfere in combat with your hands.

Maintain a regular routine.
Cats are more likely to start fights, when they are already agitated, because it will give them a reason to defend it, what they already have, namely its territory.

If you've recently moved home, you changed its layout or introduced new people to the living environment, your cat may start fights with its feline companions or the neighborhood cats.

Provide your cat with a more consistent routine and environment.

Keep them separate.
If the fight continues, agree on a schedule with your neighbor, when every cat goes outside. If two hostile cats never see each other outside, they will stop fighting.

Get a cat flap with a microchip.
Your cat will be the most defensive of your home, because it is its main territory. If you bring a new cat into your home too quickly, quarrels may break out.

The same is true of the situation, when your neighbor's cat may enter your house at random intervals. Although you may be happy with the new addition, your cat will interpret this as a threat.

You can install a cat flap with a microchip on the door, that the cat flap only opens, when your cat's microchip (preferably worn over a collar) will be recognized.

This way you don't have to worry, that your neighbor's cat will come into your house and fight your cat. Your cat can then safely come and go, as he pleases.

Supervise the game time.
Cats can fight, because they are not familiar with each other. They can stop posing, if you socialize them by slowly inputting them.

Make an appointment to play with your neighbor's cat, during which both cats meet in a closed room in a controlled environment. Supervise their indoor activities together and resolve any conflicts.

When they interact peacefully, you can allow them to spend time together under supervision outside.

Socialize your cat.
Your cat may start more fights, because he doesn't understand, how to interact peacefully with other cats. So consider making another house cat and gradually introducing the two.

When an aggressive cat starts to behave calmly with a new cat, let him interact and have fun together. This will teach them, that other cats can be friends and teach them the necessary social skills, which should help them avoid quarrels with new cats.

Block line of sight.
Your cat can prepare for a fight long before going outside. Just seeing another cat in his yard can make you, that he will hiss, scratch a window or howl in preparation for a fight. If the cat can go inside and out, as he pleases, maybe even run out to meet the other cat.

The best way to avoid this is to use curtains and blinds to cover the windows. This guarantees it, that the cats next door cannot see inside your home, and your cat doesn't see the neighborhood cat walking around. It may cause, that they would both go their separate ways, when they see each other.

My cat is being harassed by another cat
Perhaps the cat next door accosts your cat and makes, that he is more agitated. Typically, the harassing cat is the most aggressive, and thus dominant in the area. He will confirm his domination, constantly clinging to your cat, with whom he may have a personality conflict.

The dominant cat may continue to bully your cat after that, as she signals submission. Although it is not common, can lead to stress , frustration, excessive anxiety and depression.

Therefore, if you discover, that another cat is intimidating your cat, you must intervene and stop him. Separate the two cats and avoid contact. This could include scaring off another cat or keeping your cat indoors, so that he cannot fight.

How to stop my cat from bullying my other cat?
There are ways, to stop the cat from bullying another cat:
Reduce competition for resources.
Perhaps your cats have been neutered or spayed, but one still harasses the other. In this case, the battle is probably for resources, although they can both compete for sunbathing spots, toys, food and places to sleep.

To stop fighting, split their resources. You can do it, giving separate, but identical:

Food bowls
Litter boxes
Water bowls
Place them in different parts of the house. Bullying in cats is usually the result of territorial behavior, which means, that cats don't want to share their resources.

Create perches and hideouts.
Cats need space, to relax, even if your cat is sociable by nature. When two cats are crammed together and there is no room to separate, one will harass the other, for a respite.

can you fix it, providing their cats with perches and hiding places in the house. This allows them to have a great view of their surroundings and receive much-needed comfort. Aim for safe and dark places, in which your cat can avoid the inconvenience, and also get time to relax without stress.

Remove Scent Targets.
Cats mark their territory, rubbing your scent or spraying urine onto household items, to warn other cats. Urine spraying in selected places indicates the territorial behavior of cats.

If your cat is scenting items in your home, this can cause anxiety and distress to the other cat.

Therefore, you can stop territorial aggression, by removing odor-marked targets from the home. It can be towels and mats, which are ideal for labeling with the scent of a cat.

Separate your cats.
If the bullying continues, keep two cats separate.

do it, allowing one to wander the house, while the other remains behind closed doors. Let both cats spin equally, because it will avoid feelings of jealousy or neglect.

After a while, slowly reintroduce your cats under close supervision. If they seem relaxed, they are ready, to be around me again.

Before you make up your cats, you may need to separate them at intervals, to calm down. When they have lived through this time, they should obey and spend time together peacefully.