Decision on. request for permission to detain Judge Tuleyi

Decision on. request for permission to detain Judge Tuleyi

The Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court did not consent to the detention and bringing to the prosecutor's office of Warsaw judge Igor Tuleyi for the purpose of bringing charges.

As Judge Roch pointed out, Therefore, it cannot be said that there is any threat to the investigation of. sessions in the Sejm Column Hall, which results in this, that the suspicion of a crime by Judge Tuleya is not sufficiently substantiated.

W listopadzie zeszłego roku na wniosek prokuratury Izba Dyscyplinarna SN prawomocnie uchyliła immunitet sędziemu. The reason for the request of the prosecutor's office on. revocation of the judge's immunity was suspicion of disclosure of information ze śledztwa oraz danych i zeznań świadka, which were to jeopardize the course of the proceedings.