How to get rid of grease stains?

How to get rid of grease stains?

We often have a problem with greasy stains. On T-shirts, tablecloths, napkins. A bit of broth, or oil which …

How to clean silver

How to clean silver

Silver is quite a delicate metal, but very decorative for its extraordinary brilliance and plasticity. They …

How to care for delicate carpets and rugs?

How to care for delicate carpets and rugs?

Does their cleaning require special treatments??

W brudnym dywanie kryształki pisaku i inne …

How to deal with a variety of stains?

How to deal with a variety of stains?

Various stains and burn marks can destroy our most valuable items. Stain removal is not at all difficult, if we have …

Ways to effectively dry your laundry?

Ways to effectively dry your laundry?

What are your options? Because, as you know, in winter and autumn it is difficult to embrace? He can stink like no once …

How to organize spring cleaning?

How to organize spring cleaning?

Spring is getting closer, therefore time to do some general cleaning. How to do it?

remember, so as not to go about everything …



The name of the blog so much associated with the eyes, that I decided to make a post about related glasses.
If, just like me, …