Where do the differences between women and men come from?

Where do the differences between women and men come from?

According to American scientists, problems of women in reading maps; and the inability of men to find objects, which are literally in front of their noses, it is a direct result of the evolutionary development of the different roles of both sexes. According to experts, men became experts in the art of navigation, because living in prehistoric times required them to be able to track game, while the women searched for food at that time and mastered the art of finding fruit and nuts in their immediate vicinity. The authors of this theory based their conclusions on observing the different reactions of the brains of men and women when viewing photos or drawings. During the task, the parietal lobe of the brain was activated in the subjects of both sexes, however, activation was seen in both hemispheres of the brain in women, whereas in men only the neurons on the right side related to spatial orientation were excited.