What is anime

What is anime

Anime is becoming more and more popular in our country, especially among young people. In Japan, these are films and animated series, no matter what origin. Outside of Japan, however, anime are all animated films.
Japanese animations are distinguished by a huge variety of styles and are aimed at different audiences. For women and men, of all ages and views. In anime, the drawing style is characteristic. The characters stand out the most, which have large eyes compared to the entire head.
The subject matter of these films and series is also very diverse. Actually, as many as genres in the acting cinema, there are just as many anime genres. Each species has its own distinctive features, that get mixed up often, because usually such series combine several elements, for example, elements of an adventure film and fantasy.
Music is very important in anime. Before each episode of the series, there is a so-called opening with a song specially recorded for the series. Usually a song is composed this way, to set the mood of the entire movie properly. Background music is also used during the plot. Just like in the movies, yes and in anime they are there, to emphasize the mood and pace the action in the film.