How much is a guitar or ukulele

How much is a guitar or ukulele

Guitar and ukulele cost

Musical instruments are not that cheap at all, as some might think. You know, that a lot also depends on the manufacturer of such a musical instrument, because the more known and the better and more professional, the instruments will be more expensive. If we are just starting to learn guitar or ukulele, better to bet on something cheaper, which won't take up most of our fortune, because an instrument, like any other item, can also get boring. You know, that then you can sell it, but we always do it with regret. A beginner guitar costs the same, the ukulele, although its sound is not the best. You can even pay for such a guitar 150 PLN, and we will also get a cover, guitar feathers, and maybe a tutorial.

Real classical and acoustic guitars cost much more, because these are amounts of around several hundred zlotys, and some pass over a thousand. Ukulele is of course much cheaper, because it is even a question 130-150 PLN. And what is the difference between guitar and ukulele? First of all, size – ukulele is much smaller than a regular guitar, and besides, the guitar does 6 strings, and ukulele on 4 strings and is easier to learn, although the holds are different. The ukulele also sounds completely different, a more pleasant and gentle sound.