Far from the nose – The power of horoscopes

Far from the nose – “The power of horoscopes”.

Sometimes a person wonders unnecessarily, what to do with yourself and what decision to take. And yet it is enough to look at the horoscope and you know everything. E.g: “Aquarius will finally have the opportunity to taste love. You will find many attractions and you will provoke a situation on the verge of risk yourself…”. No i już wszystko wiadomo… At least a little worse with finding out what the sign is under. Me for example, when I was still Virgo I was Lew. And Czesław at the beginning of his engagement was Taurus, only that, unfortunately, it's short.

Therefore, it is best to go to the source, and even better, as this source shows up somewhere nearby. And it was just such happiness that befell us the day before yesterday. They called us from the "Future without secrets" weekly, that the fairy Lyudmila will stay with us. Many people were happy about it, because everyone would like to know something about their future. And the most important thing is Łubicz. He received a proposal from the Ministry to become a provincial doctor, ale do Rzeszowa i zupełnie nie wiedział, whether to accept it.

Kidler sensed immediately, that this is a chance for him, because when Lubicz gets a kick up, it will be him who will have a pinched foreground, what to fight for the head of the head of the office. That's why he decided to lick this Ludmila, that she should convince Łubicz in her column in "Future without secrets" to take a promotion. He even bought flowers, which must have hurt him badly, because it's just as hard as ever. And he cut himself, because Lyudmila turned out to be a man. In addition, it had misjudged something of an important peculiarity (although some say personalities, because you can too) and they fired her out of that newspaper along with the column.

Although it seems impossible to me, because her horoscopes were always right for everyone. Rather, this peculiarity has misplaced its sign, because she thought, that he is a Lion, and he's probably just a regular Aries.