Far from the nose – Temporary foster family

Far from the nose – “Temporary foster family”.

Czesław during our marriage always had such interests in the field of sport. And it was in the race, who will be the first to drink half a liter, then he immediately switched to mountaineering and decided to enter our apartment on the tenth floor through the window. How I didn't want to let him in, it was starting to pilot our balcony and absolutely wanted to land on the lawn.

Today it turned out, that these interests remained with him. In the morning a sports commentator joined us, a man called Half-Breed. He had a talkative boy, His mouth was not closing at all. He took me alone… I mean he wanted to talk to me… although actually it i take me wanted. First things first, because everything is confusing to me. It's all because of this sprinting pace, what he imposed.

At the beginning he confessed, that Czesław ran away with his wife, Iza. And now he himself stayed with the poor two daughters. There is no one for him to wash and cook. And in turn, there is no one to play with my Wojtek, and he can offer: ball in any form, gymnastics, including artistic, versatile bar exercises, riding a riding horse. In a word, would we not be able to start a temporary foster family?

I hesitated a bit, but Basia persuaded me, because she found out from Shakes, that this Half-Breed has a terribly sharp tongue. And this is very important for a single woman. I only asked this commentator to give flowers and a ring. He jumped up delighted and ran for the flowers. I was looking forward to this encounter with the language, but Czesław spoiled everything as usual. He switched to some other discipline and this Iza was out of date.

As if he couldn't wait until the next day. Basia says, that he must have sensed, that I can be in cloud nine and that's why he dumped the wife of Half-ashes. Gardener's snake, one!