Spam emits as much CO2 as 3 million cars

Spam emits as much CO2 as 3 million cars

Spams, that is, unwanted letters littering your e-mail inbox, they emit as much carbon dioxide annually as 3,1 million cars – according to a study by McAfee, specializing in IT security. From the company's report, analyzer “ecological consequences” shipped every year 62 trillion spam in the world, it follows, that their creation, sending, picking up and checking costs money “33 billions of kWh per year”. This is the amount of energy consumed by 2,4 million American households, and it emits the same amount of greenhouse gases as it does 3,1 million cars. Near 80 proc. The energy used by spam is cleared by recipients and searched for the right e-mail. The report drew attention, that when in November 2008 R. McColo website closed, responsible for producing a significant amount of spam, their number dropped day by day in the world network of Fr. 70 proc. This can be compared to a withdrawal from the roads 2,2 million cars.