Poland in the European Union

Poland in the European Union

Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. under the Accession Treaty, which was signed a year earlier in Athens. However, efforts to join the EU began in 1994., when Poland officially began to take the first steps on the way to unification with countries in Western Europe. In 1994. został złożony wniosek o członkostwo w Unii, which was confirmed by all the then EU countries.

First talks with, then still, European community, and not the Union took place at the end of the 1980s, however, it was only after the change of the political system that Poland could independently take a whole series of decisions expressing its willingness to join this pact. Upon confirmation of the membership application, the Polish-EU Association Councils were established in Poland, which was to deal with the entire dialogue and contacts between the Polish parliament and the European Parliament. Trade agreements, matters relating to European regulations, their compliance with Polish law, negocjacje na szczeblach obu parlamentów były procesem długotrwałym i czasochłonnym. Doprowadziły jednak do akcesji zarówno Polski jak i pozostałych krajów starających się o wejście do UE.

Traktat akcesyjny musiał zostać zatwierdzony i przyjęty przez absolutną większość głosów w Parlamencie Europejskim, and also unanimously by the Council of the Union. Then in Poland it had to be approved in accordance with Polish requirements. It happened as a result of the referendum in June 2003.

A year later, Poland became a full-fledged member of the European Union and since then has actively participated in its life and dynamic integration.