First World War

First World War

The First World War was the first armed conflict, which reached countries all over the world, and not only countries of a specific region or continent, as before. It went on over the years 1914-1918 and was called the "great war" because of its range and number of victims.

It began with the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Habsburg and his wife on July 28 1914 R. in Sarajevo. This resulted in the declaration of war on Serbia by Austria-Hungary. After that, other countries bound by alliances and mutual obligations declared war against each other, thus dividing into two blocks participating in the war. Central states: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, and the Entente: France, United Kingdom, Russia. During the war, the states that comprised both of the two blocs changed, came or went, depending on whose side the victory tilted. The reach of the war was so great because of this, that during this period, most of the strongest countries had overseas colonies, who have become involved in the conflict. W 1917 R. The United States joined the Entente, thus breaking the policy of isolationism.

World War I was different from previous conflicts, resulted in many more casualties, the use of combat gases, new machines and tactics with the use of heavy weapons. A part of it, however, was known as the Trench War, due to the trenches stretching across large areas, in which soldiers of hostile camps sat opposite each other, but not a single shot was fired. The most important in this conflict, however, were its effects, which changed the face of the world known so far. The war is over 11 November 1918 R. when Germany capitulated. The most important effects of the war were: the rise of numerous nation states, limiting the role and importance of Germany, the exit of the US from the policy of isolationism, development of heavy industry, demographic changes caused by the death of many men.