What's happening in Ukraine

What's happening in Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine

Sprawą Ukrainy zajmują się teraz media na całym świecie. The problem is that, that no one is able to help them on an ad hoc basis. What exactly is it about and where it all started? You would have to go back to history, because Ukraine used to be primarily Russian. Recently, however, the president of Russia woke up and remembered, that a lot of Russians live in Crimea. Crimea is a Ukrainian peninsula – currently Russian. It was really about economic matters, of course – first, Putin wanted to show, Who's the Boss, and secondly, it wants to use the oil fields in Crimea. Once again it turned out, that the Russian authorities have a lot to say in Ukraine. Crimea has been taken away from Ukraine recently. Protests and raids against the Russian authorities began in Kiev.

The situation is extremely tense right now. Russia entered Ukraine with its troops and open fighting continues. Every day, civilians are killed in eastern Ukraine. Is this already a war? So. This war does not only concern the whole of Ukraine, but also of Europe. Ukraine is already sending signals and messages to Europe, that Putin will not stop at Ukraine and that it is in their country that the fight for the whole of Europe is actually going on, because if Putin manages to take Ukraine, it will try to seize even more countries.