Will marijuana be legalized

Will marijuana be legalized

Legalization of marijuana

Legalizacja marihuany to coś, which is waiting for quite a lot of young people, but not only. Will Poland ever live to see its times?, in which this soft drug will be legalized? People sign various petitions, supposedly to speed up this process. Ba! Even Wisława Szymborska when she was still alive, also joined the action and signed a petition to legalize marijuana. As you can see, even a Nobel Prize winner will not help in such a situation. It is worth thinking though, why the government is so reluctant to this project.

The main problem is this, that marijuana as if it wasn't a drug. It is a soft drug, that is, it has a slightly weaker effect, but it always remains a drug. And the name drug did not come out of nowhere, because it is the same as a hallucinogenic substance. This is also the case in fact – marijuana taken in excess can be harmful, and may even cause hallucinations. Somebody says, that alcohol does more harm. It is indeed so, except that alcohol makes you dull and no one has any mental delusions after it.

The issue of legalization will probably be raised more than once by the Polish Government. What will be the result? Probably in a few years, marijuana will be legalized at least for a trial period. Most European countries have already done so. Hope is enough, that people will use it in moderation, and most importantly with common sense.