He promised the company a water car. The company believed

He promised the company a water car. The company believed

Supposed Filipino “inventor”, who swindled 410 thousand. dollars from a Taiwanese company to construct “water powered car” was sentenced to 20 years in prison – he published the newspaper on Saturday “Phlippines Daily Inquirer”. In addition, he will have to pay this company, Formosa Plastic Group, 380 thousand. compensation dollars. 82-now year old Daniel Dingel – stated a court in Manila – he did not submit any test results, because he didn't drive them at all and didn't buy three cars for his experiments. The Taiwanese company has concluded a contract with the Filipino, when he presented the preliminary results of research on the construction of an engine powered by hydrogen obtained from ordinary water. At the outset, he received 30 thousand. advance dollars, then 60 thousand. and so on. Formosa Plastic Group has sued Dingl, when he has stopped responding to letters of urgency to submit further research results on “by car on water”.

The Japanese company Genepax owns an experimental car, which for one liter of water moves through 60 minutes at speed 89 kilometers per hour. There are also prototypes of electric cars powered by a hydrogen battery.