

News is a short media information. It belongs to the informational journalistic genres. And that means, that the main task of the news is to inform recipients about the event. In order for the information about the event to be complete and true, it should answer the following questions:

– who? The news must describe who was involved in the event. Often the number of participants is also important, and sometimes their function

– co? - The main task of the news is to describe briefly, but exhaustively what happened

– when? - Time is often very important, in which the event took place. Additionally, a note should appear, how long the event lasted.

– Where? - The press release must describe the scene. It doesn't have to be a detailed description, but a brief information about the country, city, institutions etc..

– why? - New should reliably explain the causes of a given event on proven sources.

However, this event must be as up-to-date as possible. Usually the time difference is a maximum of one day and this is mainly the case with daily newspapers. In TV, be on the Internet, the time discrepancy is several hours. It also happens, that the journalist is reporting the event live.

News appears in all kinds of media, that is, it is present in the press, television, The Internet, and the radio.