Bird, which from 40 years no luck in love

Bird, which from 40 years no luck in love

From 40 For years, an albatross called Albert is unsuccessfully looking for a mate on the rocky islets off the coast of Scotland, 8 thousand. kilometers from natural habitats – reports BBC News. W 1967 In the year, a strong wind blew the Black Blood Albatross from the South Atlantic. Since that time, the bird is looking for a mate among… gannets. According to scientists, Albert has no chance. The natural habitats of albatrosses are found in southern Argentina and the Falkland Islands. Albert's age is estimated to be at least 47 Years. Albatrosses can even live 70 Years. Black-blooded albatrosses are on the list of endangered species. According to scientists, “Albert is not lucky in love, but it is very likely, that he lives because of it, that he was in the northern hemisphere” – we read in BBC News.