Who is volleyball libero

Who is volleyball libero

Libero in volleyball

Recently, volleyball is very much in fashion. This is due to the World Cup, which are held for the first time in Poland. Yesterday after the match between Poland and Russia and victory 3:2 we advanced to the semi-finals and we will be able to fight for a medal at the weekend. Sometimes, during the broadcast of a match on TV or on the Internet, you can hear the word libero from commentators. If anyone knows Latin terminology, he would immediately associate this word with the Latin slogan liber, meaning free. This is what it is in volleyball. Libero that person, player, who can only play defense. We will absolutely not see Libero in the attack. He cannot attack from anywhere on the pitch, if the ball is above the top of the net.

This does not mean, however, that libero is not useful. It cannot attack and block, but he can take the ball and most of the time he does it very well. The Libero can be distinguished from other players by its distinctive attire, which stands out – most often this outfit has a completely different color than the rest of the players. The Libero cannot play either, that is to serve. When he goes to the line of attack, he is replaced by another competitor. This is a very important function in the team and without a libero it would be impossible to imagine a perfect line of defense.