
Abstraction-Creation, international group of artists, gathering supporters of objectless art, created 1931 in Paris on the initiative of A.. Herbina i G. Vantongerloo. The group counted over 400 members, among which were:. in.: J. Arp, W. builder, C. Domela, O. Friendly, N. Old man, J. Gorin, J. Helion, W. Kandinsky, L. Moholy-Nagy, P. Mondrian, B. Nicholson, W. I'm pale, A. Pevsner, E. Prampolini, K. Sweats, H. Stazewski, S. Taeuber-Arp, F. Vordemberge-Gildewart. W 1932— 36 the group published the annual Abstraction-Création, Non-Figurative Art ”, and from December 1933 she organized regular exhibitions in Paris on Avenue de Wagram.