How to submit papers for studies

How to submit papers for studies

Documents for studies

October is fast approaching, which heralds the new academic year. Persons, who have not yet submitted their documents for studies, they hardly have a chance to get into it, unless at some private universities. Why? Recruitment for studies takes place during the summer holidays and the ranking lists are usually closed by the end of August. Sometimes when the number of people at university drops, from the dean's office call other people on the list, to ask, whether they are not yet interested in studying a given field of study. This takes place in September, but rather, there is nothing to count, that they will call us from the most popular fields of study.

You definitely need an application for studies. The most important thing, however, is the secondary school-leaving certificate, because it influences it the most, whether we get into the studies or not. Currently, everything is done online and the student registration system is also electronic. Candidates must set up their account on a special platform of a given university and keep their deadlines carefully there. Once we get the information, that we got into college (on the online ranking lists), we must immediately deliver the necessary documents to the universities. It depends on this, at which university we study, because some fields of study require special documents (qualifications, research and much more) to study.