What better high school or technical college

What better high school or technical college

The answer to this question is difficult. Both high schools and technical schools are popular in Poland. Choosing a school should depend on our interests. if you know, that in the future you will definitely go to college, I think, that a general or specialized high school is a better option.

There are more school hours in the technical school, and learning lasts four years. Techniques often pay less attention to general education subjects, and mainly vocational subjects are realized. Such a school allows you to get a profession, often very attractive on the labor market. Each student takes not only the matura exam, but also the vocational exam, which gives the right to use the title of technician. Technician students, however, pass their high school exams much less frequently than their high school classmates. The high school lasts three years, it prepares people well to pass their final exams and practically every graduate goes to university. If he does not, he is in a pretty bad situation, has only education but no profession. This discourages some young people and they choose to study in a technical college. Technicians often cooperate with employers, thanks to which graduates have a job right after graduation - this is not the case with high school.

So it is best for everyone to think about what they want to do in life and choose a school on this basis. It is not worth being influenced by fashion or the opinions of friends. Choosing a school must be a deliberate decision, we would not regret it someday. Both technical and high school have their advantages, so the final decision has to be made.