What subjects are studied in veterinary medicine

What subjects are studied in veterinary medicine

Items for veterinary medicine

Veterinary or veterinary medicine, as the name suggests, is a medical course, therefore the items here will be typically medical, but not only. The first two years start with general subjects, that is, the same as in other medical faculties. There will be chemistry here, biology, cell biology, embryology, microbiology, immunology, animal physiology, biophysics, biostatistics. There will also be stuffed items, that is, the English language, Latin, very important in veterinary medicine, physical education, ethics, veterinary economics, environmental Protection, ergonomics, agronomy. Agronomy can also be classified as typically agricultural, because contrary to appearances, veterinary medicine has quite a lot in common.

It is only in the third year that more serious items begin to appear. As, that it's anatomy in the first year, pathomorphology already enters on the third, that is, pathological anatomy. There will also be pathophysiology, parasytology, that is, the science of parasites. In addition, veterinary pharmacy and pharmacology appear, that is the most difficult subjects of the third year. Students also deal with clinical and laboratory diagnostics. In the third year, there will also be a terror called veterinary surgery. Later, students will also deal with ophthalmology, dermatology, orthopedics, obstetrics and many other subjects, which are associated with medical specializations. And all of this in relation to not just one species, as in the case of medicine, that is, man, but for several species of animals – dogs, cats, pigs, horses, cows, birds, exotic animals, fish and others.