Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 R. in Genoa, although so far there have been disputes about its origin. Among the various theories, there was even one with a Polish accent, saying that Columbus would be the son of Władysław III of Warneńczyk, who would survive the Battle of Varna. What Columbus was famous for, was what everyone knows about … Continue reading “Christopher Columbus”

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 R. in Genoa, although so far there have been disputes about its origin. Among the various theories, there was even one with a Polish accent, saying that Columbus would be the son of Władysław III of Warneńczyk, who would survive the Battle of Varna.

What Columbus was famous for, was what everyone knows from school, discovery of a new land. Of course, this was not the plan or purpose of his seafaring career. As a young boy he worked in a banking house, swimming due to the needs, swimming in the surrounding waters. While serving with the king and queen of Spain, he intended to find a shorter path to India, without having to sail around Africa. This was because of the wealth in India, which Spain cared about. However, he did not expect to undertake further expeditions, that it will discover a hitherto unknown continent. The first trip to India began in 1492. on three "Santa Maria" ships, „Nina”, The Pinta then reached the islands, which he considered part of India, it was called San Salvator, then Cuba and Haiti were discovered. Subsequent expeditions in the years 1493-1496 i 1498-1500, brought new areas, new areas on the world map.

He was decorated for his achievements by the Spanish royal couple, and appointed admiral, and the governor of the newly discovered lands, which was initially considered the West Indies. However, Columbus' streak did not last all the time and after returning from his last expedition he did not listen to the king. Despite the riches, which he lived to see after the first years of his discoveries, he died in poverty and oblivion in 1506. convinced for the rest of his life, that he discovered a new path to India, however, they do not know, that changed the map of the world.