Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, his real name was Alexander III of Macedon. He was probably born 19 July 356 year before our era, while he died 10 June 323 year before our era. He was the king of Macedonia. He was famous for his good strategic moves, thanks to which he won many different conquests. Ancient history also strongly remembers the reign of Alexander the Great, also called the Invincible, because then the epoch is divided into the classical period and the Hellenistic period.

He directed his first war conquests on the territory of Asia Minor. It continued until 10 Years. However, he actually managed to break the Persian army. Then it took over all Persia, as a result of winning the famous wars at Issos and at Gaugamela.

However, Alexander the Great wanted even more different nations under his rule. That is why he also decided to conquer Egypt as his military goal. In fact, he could get these territories without much of a beat, because his predecessors gave him the palace and all his possessions without a word.

Another territory, what his goal was India. Unfortunately, these conquests were not the easiest ones, The completely different climate contributed to this, which completely did not suit his soldiers. As a result, they brutally treated the local people. W 324 years BC he became famous for this, that he had made a great wedding, where Macedonian men married Persian representatives of the aristocracy.