Why the Great Wall of China was built

Why the Great Wall of China was built.

Wielki Mur Chiński stanowi przykład architektury militarnej. The probable period of construction of the first sections of the wall falls in years 685-645 p.n.e.

In year 1987 The Great Wall has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Another important event is associated with 2007 a year, it was then that the Wall was included in the list of the seven new wonders of the world. He was assigned features such as: persistence and persistence.

What were the reasons for the creation of the Great Wall of China?

During the Zhou Dynasty, China was divided into several multiple principalities, competing with each other. Therefore, the period of the reign of this dynasty is called the Age of Warring States (V - III w. p.n.e.). The resulting principalities were not developed to such an extent, to effectively defend against frequent invasions of Mongol tribes from the north. On the contrary, these principalities were small and militarily weak. But, to defend against these invasions, the princes began to build long defensive walls. They were independent of each other, until the 3rd century. p.n.e. when they started to be joined together. This was the order of the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

Successively, the wall belonged to the Ming dynasty, which improved the wall by introducing brick and stone blocks into its construction.

The Great Wall of China has survived for a very long time, because over 2 thousands of years. The emergence of new roads, climate change causes, that the Chinese government is taking various actions, to protect the facility.