

Carnival is time, when we play intensely. Many different events are organized then, including those for fancy dress. The carnival period always starts with New Year's Eve, while it ends in dependency, when Ash Wednesday will fall, that is, at the same time, the beginning of Lent. This year, Shrovetide fell on Tuesday 4 brand.

In theory, most people could go to a carnival party, which is the last one before Lent, on the proverbial herring. However, paying attention to the fact, that you have to go to work the next day, to school or university, and the party itself can take place up to an hour 12, in fact, not every person wants or pays off to leave the house.

Therefore it is recognized, that the best time for any sort of last-minute party is just the last weekend before Lent begins. Then you can actually go to the disco, or have an all-night party at home. Costume balls are very popular at this time, people love to dress up as different characters.

This year the carnival was very long, for over two months. If Easter is earlier, for example in the second half of March, then the carnival time is also automatically shortened. Then it usually falls in February. So this year we had a lot of fun.