

Easter this year falls on 21 April. This is one of the later dates, because the latest date, when this holiday may be 25 April. Easter is a movable holiday, which is determined by the phases of the moon.

Easter is the end of Lent, which started 6 March and lasts until the resurrection mass on Easter Sunday. The beginning of Lent is called Ash Wednesday, because at this time we are actually going to church, so that the priests could sprinkle ash on our forehead. The most important week before Easter is Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday.

Then all Christians experience the Easter Triduum, as a period of intensive preparation for Easter. The three-day celebration begins on Holy Thursday, continues through Good Friday, and it ends on Holy Saturday.

We usually celebrate Easter with the closest family. According to tradition, the celebration begins with an Easter breakfast. This is the moment, in which we all try food from święconka. There is also fun, to fight an Easter egg battle, that is, blessed eggs. The ones that didn't break, or the last one is the best and wins. Small gifts are usually prepared for small children at this time, which hides in an apartment or garden. It is fun for children, to look for surprises, left by the Easter bunny.