Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar, who was fully named Gaius Julius Caesar, born 12 July 100 year before our era, and who died 15 brand 44 year before our era, he was the first Roman dictator. He also had a political and writing career.

It was said, that they had mythical gods as their ancestors, Aeneas and the goddess Venus. Rather, not many notes have survived from his childhood, if only because of this, that chroniclers were much more likely to write about adults than about minors. Somebody says, that he was born thanks to a cesarean section. However, this is only a legend, translating the name of this treatment.

Already at age 16 he became someone important in Rome, because he was then called the priest of the god Jupiter. It was connected with political and religious governments. Then he went on various military missions, in which he actively participated. Here, too, he was accused of having an affair with a man, more specifically the king of Bithynia, that is, Nicomedes IV. It is not really known so far, was it true, or just sarcastic rumors from the aristocracy.

Anyway, Julius Caesar certainly had three wives and at least three mistresses. Of which relationships he also had two children - Julia and Caesarion, and one adopted Octavian Augustus.