The legend of Johnny Appleseed is based on facts. It is about John Chapman, an eccentric and a deeply religious man, who wandered the American frontier, planting apple trees everywhere and establishing nurseries of young trees. He encouraged this, to be called Johnny Appleseed (appleseed means' apple seed”), and even called himself that. He is often referred to as the "American Saint Francis."”.

Chapman was born in 1774, and in Pennsylvania about a year 1797. For the next eight years he wandered around the borderland – embroidery, similar to a hermit, barefoot and dressed in rags, with a bag of seeds on his shoulder.

Listen, good people
About Johnny Appleseedzie history.
Other, a proud name he had
Somewhere in New England, where he wandered from,
However, by that name they knew him
There, what a generous heart they loved.

(Elizabeth Akers Allen)