

Attention is a set of cognitive processes in the mind.

Features of attention.

The most important features of attention are:

1. Pojemność. This trait of attention determines, on how many objects at the same time you can effectively focus your attention. Usually it is four to six.

2. Natężenie. It is the power of concentration, with which you can keep your attention on one thing for a long time.

3. Przerzutność. It means the speed and smoothness with which you can move from one activity to another

4. Podzielność – zdolność silnej koncentracji na przynajmniej dwóch elementach

Types of attention

Currently, psychology distinguishes between two types of attention:

1. Mimowolna. This type of attention is independent of the individual. It is also reactive in nature, therefore the attention occurs in response to some stimulus: np.: sudden loud noise.

2. Dowolna. that means, that attention is a deliberate and conscious activity. An example of this is strong concentration when solving math problems

3. Wtórna. It is a consequence of arbitrary attention. With very intensive work, or mental effort, attention becomes less conscious, we perform a given activity mechanically.

4. Percepcyjna. It results from the reception of information from the outside, np.: during lesson, or a lecture