The ankh is a cross-like symbol, which comes from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and means life. Pharaohs and various deities held it in their hands. It is often referred to as the "key to life."”.

Today ankh is not ascribed any special mystical powers. However, it regained some popularity, when Jacqueline Susann mentioned him in her best-selling novel,. The Love Machine (the title of the Polish translation by Maria Karolina Andrzejewska No obligations), as a result, it acquired clear sexual connotations.

Another interpretation of this symbol, it comes from the early Greek scriptures it says, that it is the Greek letter tau (T) meaning life, with a circle at the top for eternity, which all in all symbolizes eternal life.

Anyway, the ankh has become an attractive talisman worn on a chain or in the form of a ring.