Scientists: However, money brings happiness…

Scientists: However, money brings happiness…

When we spend them on others. The results of large-scale studies made it clear, that it is sometimes worth spending a few pennies on, for example, our friend. Experiment on a group 630 Americans showed, that person, that seemed 5 dollars a day to someone else, they felt much happier, than those spending money on themselves. – We wanted to prove, that how we spend money is as important as how much we earn – Elizabeth Dunn said, psychologist at the University of British Columbia. Paradoxically it turned out, that the amount of earnings did not affect the level of happiness. Everyone who spent more money on others felt just as happier. According to experts, the research is reflected in reality. American society though, that he is one of the richest in the world, The happiest thing is not at all. Good work: the next time a colleague asks you for money, recall the results of the above research!