Whether to give people money on the street

Whether to give people money on the street. Pomaganie ludziom z ulicy.

There are many supporters and opponents of helping people on the street. How should we behave, to really help them, who need it? You know, that the sight of a mother with a child on the street or a disabled person can crush our hearts. That doesn't mean it though, that giving these people money would help them. Especially when it comes to children. Because what a perfectly healthy child learns on the street, where he gets money for free to eat and support himself? She will do the same in the future and will probably never know it, what real work tastes like, for which you get money.

If someone asks us for money to eat, we don't have to refuse. Suffice it to say, that we are going to buy that person something to eat. Most drop out at this stage. Why? Because they didn't need food at all, but on alcohol. Many homeless people were dragged into the mafia, who make a living from begging. They put specific people on the street, they give them much less than they beg, and leave the rest for themselves. Sometimes helping homeless beggars does them much more harm, rather than giving them any money.

It is worth remembering this, when once again a beggar asks us for money in the street. Buying food is absolutely justified, but giving money absolutely free – it is not, and this must be avoided.