Far from the nose – “The return of the owner

Far from the nose – “The return of the owner”.

A strange patient came to us yesterday. The King's Czyprian was called and said, that his pate fails. At first he didn't understand and just had to explain me, it's his liver. And he didn't even look like a special drinker. That's why I put it under the "nine", because there more calm patients linger. Under the "five" it would come off before surgery, because there are such mighty cords, that even Kidler bypasses them, although it is known, that he does not pour himself behind the flanges.

And this Kidler, what jumped on him, he read in the serious press, that the pre-war owner of our hospital was found. Building, that is, because it used to be a tenement house with two outbuildings. And that they should also return it to this owner. We got a little scared, because you know, privaciarz will throw us with the sick on the street, and the apartment building itself will be built and sold to people for heavy money.

Meanwhile, the new one, from the "nine", somehow he started wandering in all the corridors so strangely, to knock on the walls. Kidler caught him on it and disappointed him (although some say unmasked, because you can too) as a former owner. Mr. Królewski confessed, which immediately affected the quality of its service. Basia even wanted to marry him. But I caught his eye more. He even came to me in the evening and gave me some vodka, and then…. As for this then, then I can't be sure, but I guess he took the opportunity, because he didn't look stupid.

In the morning, after him, only a hole in the wall was left. Basia says, that the Royal Treasure was there. And Czyprian left a letter, that the hospital was left alone, because he only wanted this treasure. Detriment, that he didn't write to me. But maybe he left me another memento. Would be nice, bo wtedy w żyłach moich dzieci płynęłaby królewska krew.