Far from the nose – “Invention partially broken

Far from the nose – “Invention partially broken”

Yesterday I noticed right away, that Basiunia is upset about something. I ask her what's going on, and she doesn't want to tell me at first. As if I supposedly could not keep a secret! But in the end she gave in to my pleas. Turned out, that, unfortunately, not only mine. She was recently on call with her Rudek and she also succumbed to his requests. Although he then argued, that it was he who yielded to her pleas. Never mind the majority, enough, that something might have escaped from this submission. And Basia decided to check it out. She made a tee, she just didn't dare to look at the results…

And then when Kidler encountered him once and began to apologize to us for a broken movie. I mean exactly for what he did, when the movie was not shooting for him. Honestly, it was not for what, but Basia had an idea, that she seemed to have fallen, it's not with Rudek, only with Kidler. Because from Shakes, no more alimony will be squeezed, something else from Kidler might drip off her.

The news spread rapidly around the hospital. Lubicz found out about it and made Kidler wear some X-ray glasses all the time. The shock said Basia, that's what it is for, so that he could see better next time, who he is taking. One pig, not enough, that maybe he caught a crooked snout, it is still fussy now!

But something was really up with those Kidler glasses, because he could see everything through them. Maybe that was why he was so calm as he looked at Basia? Because the test turned out to be very positive… that is, negative, that is, positively. Meaning… You surely understand it better than I do.