Psychotest nr6

Psychotest nr6

It's such a short game, whose results are very nice. Don't read the following questions now, you must read them one by one, that everything would go well. You only need three minutes, so it's worth a try. Don't cheat because you will lose all the fun of the end result!

First, take a piece of paper and a pen. If you have to write names, make sure that they are the names of people you know well, write them instinctively.

Read carefully one line at a time or the fun will be meaningless. Do not cheat, because before you finish the game you'll get mad.

1. Napisz kolumnę cyfr od 1 do 11.

2. Teraz obok cyfr 1 i 2 write consecutively after any number, what you want.

3. Obok numerów 3 i 7 write the names of people of the opposite sex or of the same sex if you have different sexual preferences ;-). Don't peek at the other questions or you will lose all the fun.

4. Napisz imię dowolnej osoby (family or friends) at points 4, 5, 6.

5. Przy numerach 8, 9, 10 i 11 write the titles of your favorite songs.

6. Pomyśl sobie życzenie.




The result of fun:

1. Musisz powiedzieć o tej grze ( look at the number you wrote in field two) to that appropriate number of people.

2. Osobę której imię napisałeś pod numerem trzecim kochasz.

3. Osoba spod numeru siódmego podoba ci się, but something's not working out for you.

4. Na osobie numer cztery zależy ci najbardziej.

5. Osoba spod 5 he knows you very well.

6. Osoba numer sześć to twoja szczęśliwa gwiazdka.

7. Piosenka spod ósemki łączy cię z osobą numer trzy.

8. Tytuł piosenki nr 9 refers to person no 7.

9. Piosenka z numeru 10 says the most about your mind.

10. Numer 11 it's a song that is about your life.