Psychotest nr8

Psychotest nr8

Do all of them, steps below, don't hesitate too long, but do them exactly as instructed :

1. select a digit from 1 do 9
2. multiply it by 9
3. in the obtained number, add units to tens (np. 14 to 1+4=5)
4. subtract from the result 5
5. now: if 1 to A, 2 to B, 3 to C itd. select a letter, which corresponds to your number
6. now quickly choose the country for this letter !
7. choose a color for the third letter of the country …
8. … and choose a flower for the second letter of the color !

Well now … (go downstairs)





















Hmmm … almost good! However, you must know, że niebieskie irysy nie rosną w Danii