bleach, dep. Tarn (Languedoc)

bleach, dep. Tarn (Languedoc). The famous Gothic cathedral of Ste-Cécile (started 1282, completed in the 14th century), massive, a brick fortress with one nave flanked by rows of side chapels, with a mighty tower (show. 78 m) and a canopy flamboyant side portal (1535); the interior is decorated with wall paintings from the 15th century. (the final judgment) i XVI w. (work incl. artists), stained glass (XIV—XV w.), magnificent stone rood screen, connected with the openwork wall surrounding the presbytery, and richly carved stalls. Other monuments: Palais de la Serbie - defensive archbishop's palace from the 13th-15th centuries., now the Toulouse-Lautrec museum with a valuable collection of his works (the artist came from A.), a gallery of modern painting and the archaeological collection.; Romanesque-Gothic church of St-Salvi (XII—XV c.); romański Old Bridge (XI c.): renaissance town hall (XVI w.).