Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris made his debut in jokes in 2007 year. This multiple karate master, and the actor we got to know from a few surprising sides. Among other things, we found out, that Chuck takes care of the impossible right away, and for miracles one has to wait half a turn of the leg:

· Służby specjalne obstawiły wszystkie wyjścia z budynku. Chuck Norris outsmarted them and escaped through the entrance

· Tylko Chuck Norris przeszedł the Sims w całości

· Chuck Norris potrafi nalać wody do sitka

· Chuck Norris potrafi przekonać babcię, that he is not hungry

· Kto nie musi myć rączek na obiedzie u Ryśka z Klanu? Of course, Chuck Norris

· Tylko Chuck Norris potrafi zabić człowieka wskazówką od zegarka. Digital.

He is also known for his incredible strength:

· To nie bomba spadła na Hiroszimę i Nagasaki. To Chuck Norris

· Po tragicznym tsunami w 2004 Chuck Norris stated, that he would never wash his jeans in the ocean again

And, of course, who would Chuck Norris be, if not for his famous roundhouse kicks?

· A świstak siedzi bo… a roundhouse kick broke his legs.

· Jak Kuba Chuckowi, so chuck him with a roundhouse

· Chuck Norris nie umrze. He will kick the calendar. With a roundhouse.

Aha. I don't recommend telling the following jokes in front of Chuck. Media people are usually touchy about their appearance. Why risk it with the trivial roundhouse kick?

· Chuck Norris nie ma brody. These are the roots of his teeth.

· Co znajduje się pod brodą Chucka Norrisa? Another fist

· Chuck Norris wcielił się w rolę King Konga. He had to depilate almost his entire body