You can lose anything – even a boat

You can lose anything – even a boat

You can lose anything. This is confirmed by the brochure issued every year, with about a hundred lost and found offices in Bonn and the surrounding area. Every year a booklet is issued in Bonn with the addresses of local lost, found and used offices. The brochure contains a list of the items stored there. Its publication is awaited by collectors and seekers of everyday things at a low price. The offer resembles a flea market. You can buy there, exchange or even rent the most surprising things, for which no one came forward for a statutory period of time or simply avoided being thrown into the trash. And the list is as long and as wide as the Rhine, over which Bonn lies. It covers almost everything, what can be found in the city: furniture, books, home and sports equipment, toys, plates, and even clothes. The hits of the offer, however, undoubtedly include ... a boat, abandoned on the city lawn.