Woman “has grown” to the toilet seat on 2 patch
Woman “has grown” to the toilet seat on 2 patch
Thirty-five-year-old woman, who sat on the toilet in her friend's apartment for so long, …
Curiosities from the world
Woman “has grown” to the toilet seat on 2 patch
Thirty-five-year-old woman, who sat on the toilet in her friend's apartment for so long, …
He lost by winning the lottery, now complains the bank
The French lost a fortune on the stock exchange, which he previously won in the lottery. Teraz skarży bank …
The two dollar banknote was never popular. It has always been considered, that it brings bad luck, i za każdym razem gdy …
Speedway - is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable sports, and yet it is very popular. Dla …
Facebook profiles are not displayed in traditional form, statycznych tablic. Mają właśnie formę osi czasu. All, co użytkownik dodaje posortowane jest w …
Ancy le Franc, dep. Yonne (Burgundy). A renaissance castle on a rectangular plan, with corner pavilions and an inner courtyard (S. Serlio, 1546). Richly decorated interiors (prank, malowidła wykonane …
Amiens, dep. Sum (Picardy). Katedra Notre Dame, the largest and one of the most beautiful gothic buildings in France, erected 1220-70 by successively acting: Roberta de Luzarches …
Amboise, dep. Indre et Loire (Touraine). The fortified royal castle rises on the rocky terrace above the Loire, completely rebuilt in 1492—98 on the initiative of Charles VIII, expanded by Ludwik …
Aman-Jean Edmond Francois (1860— 1936), painter and graphic artist. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he created romantic portraits (especially feminine), genre scenes, interior and …
Alsace (Alsace), hist. land in the east. France, situated between the Rhine and the Vosges. There are finds from prahist times in these lands. (m.in. ribbon ceramics), z …