Am I addicted to the internet?

Am I addicted to the internet?

Internet addiction symptoms

You have an impression, that you spend too much time sitting at your computer searching the internet, maybe you are addicted to the internet, social networks create their world, watch out, take the online test.

It is common knowledge, that alcohol and drugs are on the list of the most dangerous addictions, however, for some time now more and more often around the world the problem of addiction among the population also concerns the Internet.

Internet addiction syndrome, also called ZUI is the disease of the 21st century, which concerns more and more people for whom the computer and the network slowly took over their world, and the ritual of daily chores looks like a wake up call and ends with similar activities.

Wanting to find out, are you addicted to the Internet, it is enough to solve a short test by honestly answering the questions, which they will verify, whether your symptoms of addiction can be classified with network addiction.

If we treat the Internet as an escape from reality, we can easily become addicted.

Rozwijająca się technologia oraz dostępność do Internetu tworzy prawdziwą plagę XXI wieku i choć zapewne nie wszyscy posiadają dostęp do sieci to liczba tych osób z roku na rok się zwiększa, np. w 2010 year, access to the Internet was already available to approx. 59% society.

The main symptoms of Internet addiction are not only excessive spending of time at the computer and following what is happening around, but also limiting contacts with relatives due to hanging out on the web, repeated attempts to limit spending time on the Internet, but also the treatment of the web, as an escape from problems, feeling of helplessness.

Network addiction can concern any of us, regardless of age and predisposition, for it is an escape from reality for many, allows you to remain anonymous, breaks down fear and shyness, although escape into the virtual world often goes hand in hand with emotional disturbances, such as low self-esteem.

Internet addicts should realize the dangers of holism, namely, the first step should be a visit to a specialist and an honest conversation without trying to conceal the problem they are struggling with, only then can the treatment of addiction have any effect.

Additionally, in a person, who has internet addiction syndrome (FOLLOW) a negative impact on functioning in the physical sphere can be observed, psychic, family and emotional.

So it's safe to say, that excessive use of the Internet does not do any good to our lives, and if we are not able to deal with this problem ourselves, we should immediately go to a specialist or ask for help from our loved ones, because although network addiction may seem like some funny problem of the 21st century, addicts slowly lose control over reality, and their emotional state can deteriorate significantly over time, hence Internet addicts are more prone to anxiety, or depression, which could be fatal.

About time, to solve our test and find out today, does the problem of networkoholism also apply to you.

Also remember, that when taking our test, always answer honestly, and the result obtained should only prompt you to take further steps, to face the addiction that is the Internet.

Good luck!!