Addiction to the cell – Test

Addiction to the cell – Test

Test – Are youNS addictgniona from a mobile phone?
1. Your attitude to texting is:
a. negative, at most I read these, which i get,
b. I send them when necessary and reply to my friends,
c. I can't do without them, it's my daily habit.
2. Ringtones from fiancée friends (fiancee):
a. they get on my nerves,
b. I try not to exaggerate with them and limit others,
c. I send and collect them all the time.
3. What are you doing with the phone, when are youNS at school, at a lecture or similar situation?
a. I turn it off during class, and I only turn them on when they are finished,
b. I turn off the camera or just the bell and possibly turn it on during breaks,
c. I turn the bell down, so that I can hear it and secretly reply with SMS or
give signals.
4. When on Saturdayę in the evening you go out with your friends, your phone:
a. almost never calls, I turn it off most of the time,
b. I don't make too many calls or text too much, only the necessary ones,
c. I'm on the phone all the time, I receive signals and texts.
5. Your mobile number:
a. only the parents know,
b. they know their parents and a small group of friends,
c. so many people know him, that I can't name them.
6. Your camera:
a. has been the same for years,
b. I change it no more than once a 12 months,
c. I'm changing it 2,3 times a year.
7. When you buy a phone, you pay attentionę on:
a. the price, the cheapest possible,
b. quality-price ratio; the camera should be modern, but profitable,
c. trends, the camera should "be up to date".
8. Free SMS promotions:
a. I do not pay attention to them,
b. I only pay attention to them then, when I send a lot of messages, for example in summer or at Christmas,
c. they are very important to me, taking into account the number of SMSs, I am sending!
9. You are charging the batteryę your camera:
a. when it's completely discharged,
b. when i have to go out for hours,
c. I do not have a problem with that, because I always carry a spare phone.
10. You have inclaconnected phone:
a. only when you leave,
b. at times when you want to be available, but never at night or when you are resting,
c. always.
How to interpretć test results?
Więwalkingch answers a: Mobile phone? NO, Thank you. You don't need it, you don't like using it. It is good to have it with you sometimes, but you are not interested in signals, SMS and other technical possibilities, what this communication tool offers. Even if you were to use it
more often, you are not exposed to the negative effects of electromagnetic waves.
Więwalkingch answers b: mobile phone? So, but with sense. A mobile phone is a technical measure, which you use during the day. You're using it the right way, by contacting people you know and to be available when necessary, not stressing myself and them because of it.
Więwalkingch answer c: You are a cell phone geek. You are a cell phone fanatic. Without your beloved camera, you would feel lost and you certainly have several. You like new models, you are interested in the industry and often spend your savings on these technological gems. You can't stand it, if your camera is turned off, even in situations, When
you should be discreet. A mobile phone definitely gives you a sense of intimacy with people, you care about, but it will not hurt them for sure, if you turn it off at least, when you sleep.