Am I a shopaholic? – Test

Am I a shopaholic? – Test

Am I a shopaholic? – Test: primary scale

1. When i have money, I cannot keep them and have to spend some or all of them.

2. I often buy on impulse.

3. In my opinion, shopping is a way to relieve the stress of everyday life and relax.

4. Sometimes I feel, that something is telling me to go out shopping.

5. Sometimes I feel a strong urge to buy (clothes, books etc.).

6. I have had a feeling of remorse after buying something, because it seemed unreasonable to me.

7. Sometimes I don't show it, what i bought(am), that nothing would be considered unreasonable ("Stupid expense").

8. I often experience a sudden impulse, spontaneous and unexpected, which makes me go out and buy something in the store.

9. Whenever I'm at the mall, I feel an irresistible urge to go into it and buy something.

10. I belong to people, who often order different items by mail (books, discs etc.).

11. I buy things often, which I don't need, although I know, that I don't have much money.

12. I am wasteful(a).

13. Sometimes I think: "If I could do it again, I would like…”, and I am sorry for that, what I did or said.

14. In my teenage years, I had enough money, to buy it from time to time, which I liked.

15. In the first ten years of my life I was told, what should i do with my money.

16. If I had financial problems, I know, that I could rely on someone else's help.


Am I a shopaholic? – Test – Test (CBS)

Indicates your degree of consent or disagreement with the following statements. Put an "X" on the answer, which best expresses your attitude to the statement:

1. If I have any money set aside, after paying the bills, I absolutely have to spend them.

1. I totally agree

2. sometimes I agree

3. not so, nor not

4. sometimes I disagree

5. I completely disagree

2. Indicate how often you have done any of these things, by putting on the appropriate number, according to the legend:

1. very often

2. often

3. sometimes

4. rarely

5. never

A. I think, that others would judge my shopping habits negatively, if they found out about them

1 2 3 4 5

B. I'm buying stuff, which I cannot afford

1 2 3 4 5

C. I'm signing the check, although I know, that I do not have enough money in the bank to cover it

1 2 3 4 5

D. I buy things to lift my mood

1 2 3 4 5

E. I feel anxious and nervous in days, when i can't go shopping

1 2 3 4 5

F. I pay with credit cards only for the smallest expenses

1 2 3 4 5


The SIIPaC Compensation Scale for Purchasing – test

• How often do you buy things, which you don't use afterwards?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often do you buy things, nothing with enough money for it?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often you collect items, which others threw away?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often do you feel compelled to buy something, what you don't need?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often do you feel anxious or depressed, if you failed to buy this, what you had for(ash) feel like?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often do you shop for your well-being?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How often you absolutely want an item, which you see while shopping?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• How frustrated or confused do you feel about buying unnecessary items?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• Has it happened, that over-buying was the cause of your financial problems?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• Whether excessive buying affected your social or professional life?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• Do you check other people's trash, to find something to take home in them?

□ always

□ often

□ never

• Do you spend more time shopping, than you intended(forest)?

□ always

□ often

□ never

I admit it 2 points for first answers, 1 for the second and 0 for the third.

0-6 points: the problem did not arise.

7-13 points: you have trouble buying.

14-24 points: you probably suffer from obsessive compulsive shopping.