How to store eggs

How to store eggs

Eggs are products, which can easily deteriorate. Therefore, care should be taken to store them properly.

Firstly, eggs should be placed in the refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees C. In line with the standards set by law, air humidity should be in the range of 65 – 80%. If the eggs are stored directly in a room intended for this purpose, not in the refrigerator, it should be a dry room, clear, without the availability of other fragrances. Eggs should be consumed as soon as possible after purchase. They should not be held longer than 4 weeks. After this time, a number of biochemical changes occur that reduce their quality.

If the eggs are stored too hot, bacteria and molds can colonize them. Too long storage can lead to weight loss, changes in protein consistency (it becomes more rare) and enlargement of the air chamber. The yolk is also softer and loses its nutritional properties. Both the yolk and the protein lose their color, which may have a negative impact on the consumer's perceptions when consuming it. The most important thing, however, że po zbyt długim przechowywaniu jaj zmienia się smak i zapach jaja. It can even deteriorate and build up inside of hydrogen sulphide with a very unpleasant odor, which, after breaking such an egg, can make life in our own apartment much more difficult.