Setback: The GPS escorted the driver… up steep stairs

Setback: The GPS escorted the driver… up steep stairs

The car couldn't stand it. A resident of the north of Italy traveled with a GPS car navigator to a meeting of his class on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his final exams. Unexpectedly, he landed the car on the stairs in the estate in Trieste. Italian media reports on Tuesday, that the surgeon from Udine had entered the address of the restaurant into the navigator, where the meeting was scheduled after many years and scrupulously followed the directions given. However, he did not foresee, that the navigator would lead him into a blind and steep alley. Fortunately, the doctor was fine. However, the car, after descending two levels of stairs, was not suitable for further driving. It had to be lifted using a special crane. Despite this adventure, the Italian managed to see his classmates. He was an hour and a half late.