Police blown up: they mistook a cardboard advertisement for a burglar
Police blown up: they mistook a cardboard advertisement for a burglar
Police crashes are becoming more frequent! What do you think, …
Curiosities from the world
Police blown up: they mistook a cardboard advertisement for a burglar
Police crashes are becoming more frequent! What do you think, …
200 thousand dollars for one truffle
The financial crisis does not bother lovers of unusual mushrooms. Biała trufla …
Hallucinogenic mushrooms now illegal, but…
The sale of fresh hallucinogenic mushrooms is prohibited by law in the Netherlands …
He became a father 46 children without having sex
The most active sperm donor in Europe, became a biological father 46 kids. Holenderski przewodnik …
Setback: The GPS escorted the driver… up steep stairs
The car couldn't stand it. Mieszkaniec północy Włoch jechał z nawigatorem samochodowym GPS na spotkanie swojej klasy z okazji …
He performed an amputation based on text messages
British volunteer physician based in Rutshuru, Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire) performed a successful amputation of the arm based on text messages from a colleague – …
Why does the dog always have a wet nose?
Without “wet nose”, that is, the layers of mucus on the dog's nose, Man's best friend's sense of smell would not be so perfect. W psim …
As part of the class, the students discovered… the planet
Three students from the Netherlands discovered an extrasolar planet by doing an exercise given by their lecturer. Było to możliwe dzięki bazie danych zgromadzonych …
China: the cat became a member of the walrus club!
The cat became a member of one of the Chinese walrus clubs. Zwierzę zupełnie przypadkowo odkryło w sobie wielkie zamiłowanie do kąpieli …
The farmer grew more than 11 kg of potatoes
A Lebanese farmer has grown a giant, weighing more than 11 kilograms of potato and wants to, so that the tuber was entered in the Guinness Book of Records – AFP reported. …