70-a year old convicted of roller skating madness
70-a year old convicted of roller skating madness
A three hundred pound fine for a 70-year-old British skater. Geof Dornan …
Curiosities from the world
70-a year old convicted of roller skating madness
A three hundred pound fine for a 70-year-old British skater. Geof Dornan …
She chased the bailiff away with kisses
Ognistymi pocałunkami pewna 47-letnia pani z Telgte w Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii zmusiła do …
Belarusians! Raise frogs!
Belarusian scientists have proposed an original method of fighting the financial crisis, which – ich …
He hasn't shaved since 35 Years!
52-a summer teacher from India grew a long beard 2,13 m – and he wants to, to …
Left-handed people earn more, but they live shorter
The theory of evolution predicts, that genes, that don't help us survive, are gradually removed from our genome. So it was left-handedness, …
Sausage contains a lot of vitamin C.
Norwegian scientists conducted the research, from which it results, that the sausage contains large amounts of vitamin C., chociaż ten składnik rzadko pojawia się …
Make friends at school, you will earn more
It's worth having a lot of friends at school. Because it pays off later – twierdzą uczeni z uniwersytetu w hrabstwie Essex …
Netherlands: The phone line to God is under siege
Cellular telephone line, advertised as a direct connection with God, is very popular in the Netherlands – twierdzi pomysłodawca tej …
The ugliest cat in the world?
A veterinary clinic in New Hampshire, USA, has an unusual tenant. Ugly Bat Boy – that's the name of the cat , o którym trudno …