Daring escape, with a nail clipper
Daring escape, with a nail clipper
Sześciu więźniów uciekło z więzienia w kanadyjskiej …
Curiosities from the world
Daring escape, with a nail clipper
Sześciu więźniów uciekło z więzienia w kanadyjskiej …
The largest mobile phone in the world
The world's largest mobile phone has 4,5 metra wysokości i można go obejrzeć w Chicago jako …
Surprising Findings from Research on Aging
American scientists have published surprising research results, from which it results, That …
The robot woman will perform on the catwalk
Robot, who looks like a woman is the latest work of amazing Japanese. HRP-4C has black hair, smukłe nogi …
Amazing discovery on Google Earth
Archaeologists studying images of the west coast of Wales on Google Earth have discovered a constructed one 1000 years ago an unusual structure, dzięki której można było …
The first pizza vending machine.
The first machine in the world to sell fresh pizza was developed by Italian entrepreneur Claudio Torghele. The device was named “Lets pizza”. Na wiadomość o tym stowarzyszenie …
The Pole won 42,9 mln. He won't get the money
Because the soup was too salty? NO, because the machine… was broken. Paweł Kusznirewicz played slot machines in a Canadian casino, …
Above 1000 victims of a witch hunt
As part of a witch hunt terrorizing the country, the Gambian authorities detained nearly 1,000 people, who were forced to drink hallucinogenic decoctions …
97-the year-old got married to his adolescent love
Correct 80 latach i dwóch małżeństwach z innymi kobietami 97-letni Mohammed Eid mieszkający w Arabii Saudyjskiej ożenił …
Arrested twins released – they were too similar
The twins, arrested in connection with a spectacular theft of jewelry from a famous Berlin department store, you had to slow down, gdyż podejrzanych …