If they are pink…

If they are pink…

The use of blush on the cheeks by women has its scientific justification. Zaróżowione policzki są bowiem uważane za oznakę …

They created a hamster-powered vacuum cleaner

They created a hamster-powered vacuum cleaner

A group of inventors tired of homework has developed a model of a vacuum cleaner powered by ... a hamster. A video showing the prototype of the device has appeared on YouTube, …

They had fun playing Roobin Hood

They had fun playing Roobin Hood

Two twelve-year-olds and a ten-year-old from Kępno (Greater Poland) decided to play the noble Robin Hood of the Sherwood Forest. They stole, and later …

90-year olds on a computer course

90-year olds on a computer course

90-the summer couple from Prestwick, Scotland, are the oldest students in a computer course at a local college there. They decided to take classes, ponieważ chcieli utrzymywać kontakt …